Unique International Trust

Over 30 years of collective experience in Latin America and the World

Preserve your legacy

Unique empowers clients to achieve their goals efficiently using cutting-edge technology, enabling informed decisions for long-term wealth

Our team is committed to understanding the unique needs of your family and provide customized solutions.

Our Services

Wealth Administration Tool

Clarity, A Tool to Effectively Steward Capital.

Defense – Wealth Preservation

Empower Your Future: Secure Your Legacy.

Offense – Wealth Creation

Active Strategy, Lasting Growth.​

Lifestyle Management Services

Focus on your priorities and free up valuable time.

Business Development

Empowering Growth: Tailored Strategies for Sustainable Success.

Charity and Philanthropic Activities

Fostering Legacy: Bridging Financial Security with Social Impact.

Our Pillars​


Capital Preservation & Growth


Enhanced Client Experience

A new kind of all-in-one wealth management platform

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